Virtual Reality

Different Types:

  1. Virtual Reality (VR): 360 degree view.

2. Augemented Reality: (Example = car speedometer)

3. Extended Reality: Merges Virtual and Augmented reality (XR). Very expensive. Therapy for military, fighter pilots can see through there plane.

VR headset Types:

a) Stand Alone: The headset is a computer and has all of the processing and tracking hardware on the headset. (Inside out tracking).

b) Tethered: Example = Play station VR. The processor is offloaded onto the playstation. Usually they are corded. (Outside in tracking). Here he has a camera tracking him not the other way around.

Playstation VR:

Pros: Engrossing and novel, hands on learning in new ways, and technology continues to advance high performance.

Cons: Outdated hardware and software (2017), Immobile, gaming bias, motion sickness, expensive (450), and arduous setup.

Meta Quest 2:

  • Released in 2020 and Disrupted the market.
  • Educational applications: Librarium, hand physics lab, nanome, star chart.

Pros: Simple set up but have to set it up every time, portable, affordable ($399), diverse software, less gaming bias, more of a computer then a gimmick, and software support.

Cons: lower computing power (4h), potentially distracting for students, one at a time, educational software still limited, and limited support for people with physical limitations.

Example of Hands Physic Lab Using Meta Quest

Video of Jake and Bradley’s presentation of Using Virtual reality in the classroom.

I absolutely loved this presentation and I am now not to afraid of Virtual Reality! I think it would be such a great learning opportunity for students and extremely memorable for them!
