Gibbs’ Reflective Learning Cycle
The Gibbs’ Reflective Learning Cycle is a six step process that initiates thoughts of reflection on an experience. The great thing about the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is that not only allows time for looking back on an experience but it also stimulates thinking and problem-solving of ways you could have done it differently and how you could approach the situation differently to achieve more success if the opportunity arose again.
To complete my reflection with the Gibbs’ Reflective Learning Cycle I decided to try out the platform Canva. This website is going to be such an incredible resource for my future projects and as a teacher. I really like how it has templates that provide a multitude of ways to present my ideas in a fun and organized way.
I have added a screenshot here of my reflection for a quick reference. Please download the full page to view each section:
I really enjoyed the opportunity to go into Gordon Terrace and teach students a way that technology can be used in a fun and engaging way to get inspired to read with epic!
What were some pros and cons you found in your experience of teaching the use of Epic books to a grade 1/2 class? And how would you change your approach in the future?
Thank you!
Inc., E. C. (n.d.). Instantly access over 40,000 of the best books & videos for Kids on Epic. Epic. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from
Link to open my Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle to full screen:
The Mind Tools Content Team By the Mind Tools Content Team, Team, the M. T. C., wrote, Y., wrote, L., & wrote, B. T. (n.d.). Gibbs’ reflective cycle. Helping People Learn From Experience. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from
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