1. How to Write Meaningful Land Acknowledgments

A) Learning about land acknowledgments + draft outline:

B) Writing out a good copy:

C) Self-Assessment to ensure all elements are in the good copy before handing in:

*Below are extra more examples*

2. Making Bannock/ Thank you Cards

Background information: In our math unit on measurement, we read the book Fry Bread by Kevin Noble Maillard. We then had the privilege to work with our Indigenous Education Specialist, Michelle Whalstrom, to make Fry Bread (Bannock) as a class to practice our measuring skills and enjoy a yummy treat! Since Michelle was so kind to help us with this project, we used our English Language Arts class and Arts Education to create beautiful, unique thank you cards for Michelle as a gift of reciprocity. The steps were as follows:

A) I modelled to students how to write in a thank you card. Students then drafted their own and had a peer assess it. Once it was peer assessed and revised as needed, I looked it over and signed it off or asked students to revise further if it did not meet the criteria.

B) Next, students created an image on the front to symbolize the meaning behind their card. Below are a few examples:


C) Below are a few photos of our experience making and enjoying bannock!

D) While students waited for the bannock to cook they completed a reflection:

3. Students created story vines to retell their favourite story from the unit (all written by Indigenous Authors).

A) Read and learn values from the stories (we completed different activities along the way):

B) Students chose their favourite story, explained why, and then chose 5-8 elements to create for their story vine and write a description of what they would say for each element when they shared their story vine.

C) Students then learned how to make the story vine and elements:

Link to Canva Presentation Explaining story vines: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAXTyShlY/cqtepLC_9MwoFKGL571jUw/edit?utm_content=DAGAXTyShlY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

D) Below are photos of the student’s creations!